Classifieds in Meycauayan city, Central Luzon
- 1K Cars
- 2K Car parts
- 2K Motorcycles and Parts
- 1K Kids’ products & Toys
- 934 Clothes
- 1K Garden & House
- 1K Furniture
- 2K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 2K Computers and Parts
- 2K TV games & PC games
- 614 Movies & Music
- 596 Photo & Cameras
- 2K Audio and Video
- 840 Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 625 Books
- 3K Pets and Animals
- 2K Hobbies & Collectors
- 1K Watches & Jewelry
- 1K Music instruments
- 3K Sport
PHP 5,500
Ps4 for sale swap
For sale or swap offer lang..
Little big planet P600
Just dance 2016 P600
Uncharted collection P800
Rainbow six siege...
PHP 700
Unsealed Gugudan Act 2 Narcissus Album with Photocards and Poster
Gugudan Act 2 Narcissus Album
CD never been played
Good condition photobooklet
With Sally Ver A and Haebin...
PHP 150
Golden Syrian Hamster
4 months old ( Breeding Age )
Colors Mute : Satin Black,Golden Cinnamon Banded, Trico & Panda.
5 Females
4 Males....
PHP 8,000
NS general upholstery
We accept repair and made to order.. accent chair,sofa set,L type sofa,bed, headboard,any kind of sofa set.customize...
PHP 600
Outdoor Camping Tents 2_4_6_8_12 Pax
- Waterproof taffeta fabric with nylon flooring (not sack)
- Fly net for insect protection
- Assorted tri-color dome...
PHP 500
Haruhi Suzumiya Costume
Haruhi Suzumiya Seifuku
Size: Small / Medium
Condition: 10/10
SP: 500
(*Hf not included*)
PHP 400
Elf Yamada Costume
Yamada Maid Cos.
Size: Small/ semi M
Condition: 10/10
SP: 400
(*Hf not included*)
-Pink dress
PHP 5,500
Workzone titanium inverter arc welding machine 140 amp
Workzone inverter arc welding machine 140 amp
PHP 130
Assorted Diecast Kinsmart Corvette
Assorted Diecast (Kinsmart Corvette)
Rubber Tires
1) 1957 Corvette Kinsmart Brand 1:54 / PHP:130 FIX
2) Toyota GT2000...
PHP 4,500
Shitzu puppies
2 males and 1 female available
2 and half months old
With 2 deworm shots and 1 5-1 vaccine
Shitzu cross Japanese...
PHP 20,000
Office partition _modular cubicle furniture . Customize
Please send your layout or floor plan to my email address. regine(dot)khomi12(a)gmail(dot)com
We provide quotation...
PHP 2,000
80L aquarium awith stand
Natanggal lng un dikit ng plastik n nkapalibot pero pwede pa nmn dikitan..
PHP 700
motor city garage toy
dyna city parking garage 3 level with elevator. kids are not playing with it anymore very good condition.
PHP 1,500
CPU parts for sale or swap sa aquarium accessories
Parts po ng cpu baka maybkailangan kayo na parts pwd pang replace sa mga desktop nyo.. pang bawas kalat lang sa...
PHP 750,000
isuzu canter Closevan 14 ft
For sale
Isuzu Close van 14ft. 4hf1 mechanical P750K
canter closevan 14ft. 4m51 engine P750K
good for business:...
PHP 5,999
Arcade stick Raspberry Pi with Builtin 3000 Retro for PS3 PC and TV
Arcade stick w/ Built-in 3000 Retro Games
Raspberry Pi 3
Perfect for fighting and arcade games
Plug and play to...
PHP 999,999
Looking defective psp 2000 or 3000 slim
Bumibili po ako ng deffective psp 1000phat 2000slim 3000slim
Deffect or not deffect. Presyong deffect and rush only...
PHP 5,850
4Door Dog Cage
4 door dog cage
Pictures 1 and 2
Powdeer coated
Plastic flooring
Removable divider
Pictures 3-4
PHP 700
Unsealed Gugudan Act 2 Narcissus Album with Photocards and Poster
Gugudan Act 2 Narcissus Album
CD never been played
Good condition photobooklet
With Sally Ver A and Haebin...
PHP 2,000
Nintendo Gameboy Advance SP Donkey Kong Pearl Blue Limited Edition
•Model: AGS-001
•Region: JPN
PHP 4,000
Samsung Aircon
Samsung Aircon
- No issues
- 0.5 HP
- Used for more than a year and a half
- Will move to a bigger room
PHP 800
maternity dress
take all for 800.00.. individual pic poSted.. These are well loved clothes of mine.. Can do shipping plus sf..
PHP 499
Nintendo 3ds games
Last price posted/ no trades
3ds games
Us /asi version
Fire emblem awakening
Super smash bros.
PHP 750
honda jazz fit head rest
Honda jazz / fit gd body head rest with free black leather cover pair. Fairview- novaliches area.. Call or txt
PHP 255
Doormat Rubber
Doormat Rubber for garage. Easy to clean with high quality and durability. Try to call us today.
PHP 12,500
Tumbl Trak 8ft Activity Wheel Trampoline
8ft diameter
Reversible, upward, downward and side
Used for cheering and gymnastics
Could also be used in beaches...
PHP 1,390
A Way Out PS4 GAME
Sm Marilao
PHP 14,000
Garden Set
RFS: Lilipat na sa condo so needed na ma dispose. For pick up lang po behind Fairview Center Mall. LP for sure buyers.
PHP 2,499
Badminton racket
Bafminton Racket
RSL Millennium Attack - 2499
Yonex Nanospeed 100 - 2999
Yonex Nanospeed 7000 - 7999
Yonex Ti10 -...
PHP 5,000
Lebron James Drawing
Lebron James Drawing
With frame
Free shipping within Manila area
Also accepts drawing projects and clay art projects...
PHP 5,350
food processor hanabishi
-Blender with filter
-Power juicer with grinder
-Chopper (4 stainless steel blade for grating,slicing,fine,coarse)...
PHP 15,000
Canon EOS 1200D DSLR Camera (RUSH)
In good condition
No scratches in lens
Original parts, no repairs/replacements
No lens cover included
Original Brand...
PHP 5,000
Nintendo 2ds
2ds w/ 2 cartridges ( pokemon omega ruby, pokemon moon) charger 110v po, box manual. No AR Cards.
Buttons still...
PHP 2,050
Stopper Bumper Rubber for Car
Rubber car stop bumper for parking area.
Protect your car.
The garage stop prevents damage to personal belongings and...