Classifieds in Meycauayan city, Central Luzon
- 1K Cars
- 2K Car parts
- 2K Motorcycles and Parts
- 1K Kids’ products & Toys
- 934 Clothes
- 1K Garden & House
- 1K Furniture
- 2K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 2K Computers and Parts
- 2K TV games & PC games
- 614 Movies & Music
- 596 Photo & Cameras
- 2K Audio and Video
- 840 Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 625 Books
- 3K Pets and Animals
- 2K Hobbies & Collectors
- 1K Watches & Jewelry
- 1K Music instruments
- 3K Sport
PHP 6,180
4PCS Dining chair
PP plastic chairs
With metal legs
Black and white
*Kindly text me if interested cuz I'm not always online. Thanks!
PHP 600
MP3 LED Magic Ball Light
- MP3 LED Magic Ball Lighting
- Cloud Formation
- Fully Adjustable Motion Speed
- All this wonder and beauty of the...
PHP 3,500
Wellness plus rollator walker
Wellness plus rollator walker
With padded seat and storage bag
PHP 8,000
Yamaha mixer sound system for speaker valenzuela city swap
Yamaha mixer model mg102c mixing console valenzuela city negotiable
PHP 25,000
Mixtrack 3 pro numark with lenovo t510
For sale as package.
Still in working and good condition.
will include M audio fast track 2 USB
For more details...
PHP 3,500
Wellness plus rollator walker
Wellness plus rollator walker
With padded seat and storage bag
PHP 5,500
Wilson Prostaff Kevlar
Wilson Prostaff Kevlar
85 Sampras n Federer
My classic Racket
No issues
No Crack
100% Good condition
Free shipping...
PHP 600
One Station Bundle Set
One Station Bundle Set
Sell Price: 700.00
Sale Price: 600.00
Comes with 2 Game Cart 99 in 1 and 65 in 1.
PHP 600
Video Game Console Classic Max Lite YLG001 White
Video Game Console Classic Max Lite YL-G001 (White)
Price: 750.00
Sale Price: 600.00
Product Specifications...
PHP 450
Infinity Cube
Spinners making you dizzy? Then try your fidget toy cubed. TheInfinity Cubeis a fidget-friendly piece of EDC made for...
PHP 35
Mickey 2 folds invitation
Mickey 4r 2folds personalized invites for only 35/set comes with free plain white envelope and matching 1.5x1.5in...
PHP 12
Junior Tennis racket for kids
Assorted Junior Tennis racket
Imported from Japan
Good condtion
Pm us for more info and pictures
Prices are indicated...
PHP 9,500,000
50 tons somitomo lattice crawler crane
Used crawler lattice crane
1991 year model
Surplus japan
Nothing to fiz
Ready to use
PHP 2,000
Barbie Toys
Selling my niece's barbie toys. All are from USA.
Laptop -battery operated & working
Cellphone - -battery operated &...
PHP 800
DORAEMON Trolley Number Bank Auto Insert Bills Saving Box
Design: Doraemon Trolley Style
- It is amusing to watch when the currency bill is pulled inside...
PHP 25,500
Gym matting
Dynoflex ptr mat
(10metersx 1 meter x 10mm thick) P25,500/roll
Anti slip floor mat
(1meter x 20 meters x 3.6mm thick...
PHP 35,800
Samsung 49 inch curved smart tv
49 inch curved smart tv
Brand new and sealed
2 yrs warranty from samsung phil.
For fast transactions pls meet up only...
PHP 700
Tennis Lesson for Kids and Adults
Tennis lesson for all skill levels
Beginners are very welcome too!
UP diliman
PHP 800
POOH Number Savings Box
Design: Winnie The Pooh
- It is amusing to watch when the currency bill is pulled inside with motorized...
PHP 3,500
3 TB Western Digital Surveilance HD
For Sale:
3 TB Western Digital Surveilance Hard Drive in good perfect condition
no hidden defects
PHP 150,000
Gym equipments
Gym packages of 100k and 150k pwede ng pang business pwesto nalang may gym business na po kayo. Pwede rin po swap ng...
PHP 30,000
Samsung galaxy note 8
For sale:
Samsung Galaxy Note 8
With Hard case
No issue
No defect
Slightly used
PHP 100
5 Peso Size Neodymium Magnet
D30x5mm Neodymium Magnet
Size: 30mm Dia x 5mm Thick
Grade: N35 Zinc Coated
FB Page: Brads Lodestone Phils Corp
PHP 3,000
Modern game bantam
For sale
Modern game bantam
Color silver black
Loc near sm fairview
PHP 800
POOH Number Savings Box
Design: Winnie The Pooh
- It is amusing to watch when the currency bill is pulled inside with motorized...
PHP 100
Cardsharp for your wallet
Pick up at villaflor subd near SM NOVALICHES no handling fee.
meet up novamall bayan handling fee 30
ship, paymnt...
PHP 150
Marco scaffolding Shoring jack All M i G weld to insure Hi tensile
Marco scaffolding
S a l e s
R e n t a l s
S e r v i c e s
Pls call numbers above for more details
We have demo to...
PHP 600
One Station Bundle Set
One Station Bundle Set
Sell Price: 700.00
Sale Price: 600.00
Comes with 2 Game Cart 99 in 1 and 65 in 1.
PHP 2,050
Marco Scaffolding Material Handling Provide Quality Service
Marco scaffolding
S a l e s
R e n t a l s
S e r v i c e s
Pls call numbers above
We have demo to assist your needs
PHP 500
Xbox 360 games
31 Xbox 360 games l
From 500 pesos per game
Buyer pays for delivery/collection
RFS moving abroad
Text for details...
PHP 70
Sandalwood incense
Retail 70 each
Ws 60 each min of 10pcs
ws 50 each min of 20pcs
30pcs stick per box
Pick up at villaflor subd near SM...
PHP 2,000
Miniature wine set
Miniature wines. Still close ndi pa nabuksan or nagalaw. TAke all for 2k.
Meet ups at Sm north, Sm fairview, Sm nova.
PHP 350
Sea quest submersible aquarium light
Sea quest submersible aquarium light. 6W powered. . Txt me for faster transactions.
Meet up...
PHP 1,445,000
Starex 15 Seater Hot Promo
2.5L TCI GL 15'seater
Srp 1,445,000
28k all in
5 yrs 29,013
1 yr comprehensive insurance w aog
Chattel mortgage...
PHP 499
Nintendo 3ds games
Last price posted/ no trades
3ds games
Us /asi version
Fire emblem awakening
Super smash bros.